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Arctic Observatory Feasibility Study
In early 2011 ONC signed a collaboration agreement with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) to complete a feasibility study on installing an Ocean Observatory in Canada's Arctic. Led by the Ocean Networks Canada Innovation Centre with partners from ASL Environmental Sciences, Golder Associates and Coastal and Ocean Resources, a team of industry experts completed a detailed study on using technologies developed on VENUS and NEPTUNE Canada to establish a permanent, 24/7 monitoring capability in Canada's High Arctic. These technologies are based on infrastructure using electro-optic cables, supplemented by mobile assets (autonomous underwater vehicles), moored buoys, and satellites. The study, now completed, focused on Cambridge Bay, the site of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station as an example location, but three types of possible locations were considered. Identification of the most appropriate location for Canada’s contribution to Arctic ocean observing requires further study because observatories, and their selected location, must be based on high priority scientific goals as well as other national needs, for example sea ice forecasting. And of equal importance is the need to involve Northerners in facility planning, construction and operation, and the imperative of using observatory capabilities to enhance the lives of local residents through training, employment, and provision of relevant local information. The need for Arctic observatories is clear because our understanding of physical and biogeochemical processes in the Arctic, especially related to marine ecosystems, is rudimentary yet it is precisely here where we are witnessing the most rapid and profound impacts of global environmental change. Many national and international organizations have stressed the need for long‐term monitoring of Arctic ecosystems to understand better how they function, how they will respond to global change, and to inform public policy. This study sought input from a wide range of stakeholders, including scientists, federal and territorial government representatives and Northerners, on the use of cabled ocean observatories in complementing existing marine research activities and contributing to a better understanding of the oceanic environment by making measurements throughout the entire year. Dramatic changes in sea ice characteristics, duration and distribution are also leading to more frequent use of Canadian arctic waters for both destination and transit shipping, also brings the possibility of environmental disasters, such as oil spills, and potential routes for illegal immigrants or terrorists to enter Canada and North America. These changes in the arctic system will require increased surveillance, from the standpoints of the environment, security and sovereignty. With global commodity and energy demand increasing at an ever more rapid pace, the Arctic will see the exploitation of base metal and petroleum resources, which are becoming increasingly more competitive, further increasing shipping and infrastructure development in the North. All of these activities will have significant effects on the lives of Northerners and their traditional activities on the land and ice. The wide range of stakeholders consulted in the study identified a range of candidate sites and programs for ocean monitoring systems. Observatories in environments such as the Arctic offer the possibility of monitoring environmental processes throughout the year, even when areas are inaccessible due to the presence of ice, harsh weather or darkness. Such observations complement the brief sampling and measurement opportunities provided by research vessels during the open water season or measurements obtained by logistically challenging field programs from the ice. For surveillance activities, the continuous presence is essential for monitoring vessel activities, both surface and submerged, and being able to react quickly if necessary, and for assessing environmental impacts related to arctic shipping. Canadian Arctic Cabled Observatory Study ONC-DN-2011-02
Community Observatory Keeps Eye on Arctic Sea Ice
The University of Victoria’s Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is making its first foray into the Arctic, just as the sea ice extent is setting a new record low. The observatory has been granted a five-year research license from the Nunavut Research Institute for a cabled seafloor observatory system and surface weather station in the coastal hamlet of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. The community observatory, using technologies developed by UVic’s VENUS and NEPTUNE observatories, intends to provide year-round, near real-time undersea monitoring of the northern environment, and to make research data available to the community for educational and other purposes.
Data Now Streaming From Cambridge Bay
After a year and a half in development with the Government of Nunavut and the community of Cambridge Bay, a new community observatory is now streaming continuous data from the Arctic seafloor. In August 2012, the Nunavut Research Institute granted a five-year research license to Ocean Networks Canada to install and operate the first year-round cabled undersea monitoring system of the northern waters. “This specially designed scaled-down version of our seafloor networks off the coast of Vancouver Island will support longer-term science-based understanding of the dramatic changes taking place in Arctic waters,” says Dr. Kim Juniper, the associate director of science for NEPTUNE Canada, as he introduced the system at the annual Arctic Net conference held this year in Vancouver. “These changes include the historic receding of the northern sea ice and its impact on marine ecosystems.” In September, hurrying to beat the oncoming winter ice, the observatory’s engineering and systems team were able to complete the final installation at Cambridge Bay with assistance from community organizations and individuals, as well as vital support from the Nunavut Government. (Thanks to Beth and her class from Killinick High School for visiting with our team: Ryan Flagg, Martin Hoffman, Ryan Key) Following a two-month commissioning period, the miniature cabled ocean observatory and companion surface weather station are reporting continuous data to the archive system at the University of Victoria. The information streaming from the instruments—including an underwater camera, ice profiler and sensors measuring temperature, depth and salinity—is freely available over the internet. In the months ahead, education, science and operations staff will be working with Cambridge Bay schools to develop educational programs and support collaborative projects with the coastal Arctic research community.
Cambridge Bay, a Year of Data!
As the ice returns to cover much of the Arctic coastal waters, Ocean Networks Canada's community observatory at Cambridge Bay marks its first year of continuous operations. In August 2012, the Nunavut Research Institute granted Ocean Networks Canada a five-year research license to provide real-time oceanographic data and imagery to study seasonal and long-term changes in the coastal ocean at Cambridge Bay. Its purpose is to provide science-based support for greater understanding of the fragile Arctic marine ecosystems. An ONC engineering and science team recently travelled to the northern hamlet for the first annual observatory maintenance and improvement mission since the seafloor platform was deployed at the end of September, 2012. In addition to servicing the shoreside weather station and the data relay station at the nearby government buildings, the seafloor platform was raised to the dock for maintenance, instrument additions, and upgrades. These operations were supported by government staff and local contractors. The team also worked closely with UVic's Dive Safety Officer and a Canadian Hydrographic Service scientific diver to recover and redeploy the underwater platforms. # What's New and Improved on the Arctic Observatory The away team has reported success in all maintenance objectives. On the seafloor observatory, improvements include: **New Technology** - Ocean Sonics icListen HF Hydrophone. - VEMCO acoustic fish tag receiver to support the Dalhousie University's Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) program. - New Ocean Innovation Centre (OIC) junction box to extend the number of possible connections with existing cable infrastructure. **Instrument Improvements and Upgrades** - New Water Quality Monitor (CTD, Flourometer, O2 Sensor). - New camera lights on the platform legs, with four new LED lamps. - Repositioned video camera to increase unobstructed viewing of seafloor and direct uplooking views of water column and sea ice. - Addition of seafloor ruler for scaling camera images. The dockside weather station has a new weather system, along with a barometric pressure sensor that will help better calibrate the measurements of the existing Ice Profiler, a key instrument on the underwater platform. The dockside video camera continues to monitor the southern horizon and sea surface (waves, ice), on a 24-hour basis. At the relay station, the newly installed Automatic Identification System (AIS) antenna and receiver will help monitor ship traffic in the bay and enable us to link underwater noise detected by the hydrophones to individual vessels. ## Data Results After One Year of Streaming The Cambridge Bay Observatory has been streaming/sending time series data for a variety of ocean properties, including: ice draft, salinity, fluorescence, air and water temperature, as well as video of life on the arctic seafloor.
A Year of Arctic Sea Ice
A winter's passage has been captured by cameras and instruments measuring ice thickness, salinity, oxygen and phytoplankton abundance in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. These data are being analyzed by staff scientist Akash Sastri and Scientific Data Specialist Alice Olga Victoria Bui, revealing new insights into how conditions evolve beneath the ice over the long Arctic winter. The data are being collected by instrumentation attached to a community observatory operating at a depth of approximately 6 metres below the surface and connected by cable to a nearby wharf for realtime data collection.
Ocean Networks Canada Partners to Protect the Arctic
The University of Victoria’s Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is partnering with the University of Manitoba to develop, install and maintain the cabled estuary observatory component of a new Churchill Marine Observatory (CMO) in Hudson Bay. The CMO, formally announced by the federal government on July 6 in Churchill—Canada’s only Arctic deep-water port—will be a multidisciplinary facility where researchers will study the impact of oil spills on sea ice and investigate issues related to marine transportation and resource development in the Arctic. ![Can_Infrastructure_Partners_Jn2015_small.jpg]( The facility, led by the University of Manitoba, is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Province of Manitoba. CFI has provided $200,000 to UVic for the ONC portion. The ONC contribution involves a cabled observatory to be built in the mouth of the Churchill estuary, along the main shipping channel across Hudson Bay and Strait, providing a state-of-the-art monitoring system designed to strengthen Canada’s ability to protect the Arctic environment. The collaboration builds on the success of ONC’s world-leading NEPTUNE and VENUS cabled observatories and, since 2012, a community observatory in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. “We’re thrilled to be part of this ambitious project that will bring real-time ocean observing to Hudson Bay,” says ONC Chief Scientist Dr. Kim Juniper. “This will be our second Arctic observatory, which adds to ONC’s growing network of coastal observing systems in Canada’s three oceans.”
Expanding the Cambridge Bay observatory (2015)
Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is in its third year of delivering ocean data from the Arctic Ocean with a new observatory platform and expanded suite of instruments and sensors that monitor the health of the northern ocean. From 15 to 31 August, an ONC operations and user services team visited the hamlet of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, to service and upgrade both the underwater platforms and the above ground weather station located steps from the busy community dock. The platform now hosts three times as many sensors as the original version.
Sea ice returns to Cambridge Bay
Unseen beneath the surface of the Arctic Ocean, the Ocean Networks Canada ocean observatory in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, monitors ocean conditions 24/7. During the night of 13 October, sensors detected the seasonal return of surface sea ice.
Sea Ice Research and its Benefits
**Understanding Sea Ice: Ocean Networks Canada Coordinates POLAR Safe Passage Project**. Imagine an area of the size of Ontario ‒ gone. That’s roughly the amount of Arctic sea-ice that has melted in the last 30 years: over 1 million square km. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: some climate change forecasts are predicting an ice-free summer Arctic Ocean by as early as 2030. Understanding sea-ice change is critical to life in the high north, particularly when it comes to getting around. Local transportation and commercial shipping are defined by the Arctic’s shifting seasonal extremes, which is becoming harder to predict. Not only is the thickness and extent of the frozen ocean shrinking, but the dates of freeze-up, break-up and the duration of solid ice and clear water are shifting dramatically. This warming cocktail of unpredictable conditions is increasing the cost and risk of local transportation, commercial shipping and marine operations, making safe-passage precarious.
Ocean Network's New Arctic Youth Science Ambassador
Ever since she was little, Mia Otokiak has wanted to be a marine biologist. As a Grade 10 student in Cambridge Bay, she was really excited when Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) came to her hometown in 2012 to install its first community observatory. And now that she’s ONC’s Arctic Youth Science Ambassador, Mia is realizing her dream. “When I heard that 95% of the ocean is still unknown, I thought it would be really cool to explore it,” says Mia.
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#106, 9865 West Saanich Road, North Saanich, BC, Canada, V8L 5Y8 (250) 472-5400

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