Hydrophone Calibrations
ONC is a pioneer in digital hydrophone calibration and ocean soundscape exploration.

As part of ONC’s commitment to innovation, we have developed the world's first automated, low frequency, digital hydrophone calibration system capable of calibrations in extreme low ranges—from 0.1Hz to 750Hz, and from 2kHz to 100kHz in the high frequency range. This service is currently in use by international organizations that monitor noise levels for scientific purposes, or in relation to industrial operations.

Sound plays a critical role in remote sensing and communication in the ocean, travelling much further than light through water. Sound in the ocean—the “ocean soundscape”—is generated from sources including:

  • Storms, wind, rain, waves, earthquakes and subsea landslides
  • Marine mammals (echolocation for communication and prey identification)
  • Ships, boats, construction, oil platforms and subsea mining
Stay up to date with ONC
Ocean-Climate Building University of Victoria
#100, 2474 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8N 1V8 (250) 472-5400
Marine Technology Centre University of Victoria
#106, 9865 West Saanich Road, North Saanich, BC, Canada, V8L 5Y8 (250) 472-5400

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