We deliver ocean intelligence for science, society and industry to advance public and marine safety, scientific research, climate mitigation and coastal resilience, as well as accelerate ocean technology research and development.
In collaboration with coastal and Indigenous communities, industry and governments, our pioneering solutions address climate change, natural hazard risk reduction and ocean health, that, together, ensure Canada’s place in the emerging blue economy.
Have a question or special requirement that isn’t covered below? Connect with our integrated teams of scientists, engineers, data and software specialists for assistance.
Contact us at info@oceannetworks.ca
ONC’s network of land & sea sensors is designed to provide maximum warning time for offshore earthquakes off the BC coast
ONC helps at-risk coastal communities prepare for inundation events including tsunamis, storm surge and sea-level rise.
A negative emissions technology project to safely sequester carbon dioxide as solid rock beneath the ocean floor.
ONC works with ocean technology companies to support innovative product design and testing.
ONC is a pioneer in digital hydrophone calibration and ocean soundscape exploration.
SeaTube is a sophisticated video annotation system for archived or real-time/live streaming video.