Physical Infrastructure
ONC’s deep-sea, coastal and land-based infrastructure includes cabled, autonomous and mobile ocean observing instruments.

ONC’s physical infrastructure is paired with our digital infrastructure to enable real-time ocean observation, data collection, and communications. This coast-to-coast-to-coast ocean observing network includes cabled, autonomous and mobile instruments located in deep-sea, coastal and land-based locations.

Stay up to date with ONC
Ocean-Climate Building University of Victoria
#100, 2474 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8N 1V8 (250) 472-5400
Marine Technology Centre University of Victoria
#106, 9865 West Saanich Road, North Saanich, BC, Canada, V8L 5Y8 (250) 472-5400

@ 2025 Ocean Networks Canada. All rights reserved.