Seamounts expedition discovers 'Coraltropolis' and scratching shark
This July a team from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation, with support from partners Ocean Networks Canada, embarked on a two-week Pacific seamounts expedition that uncovered the mysteries of Canada’s largest underwater volcano—Explorer seamount—at the centre of a potential Offshore Pacific Marine Protected Area.
August 14, 2019

A year after discovering 'Spongetopia' in 2018, a team from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation, with support from partners Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), embarked on the two-week #PacificSeamounts2019 expedition in July that uncovered the mysteries of Canada’s largest underwater volcano—Explorer seamount—at the centre of a potential Offshore Pacific Marine Protected Area.

Read more about the expedition here.

Watch the expedition overview video here.

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