ONC’s new dashboard tracks earthquakes around the world
October 21, 2015

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at 21:52:02 (UTC) on October 20, 2015, near the Vanuatu Islands in the south Pacific’s volcanically active region located on the Ring of Fire.


Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is delighted to announce a new interactive dashboard that lets you explore recent earthquakes occurring anywhere in the world, like this one, and those right on our doorstep on the west coast of Canada.

Seafloor seismometers that are connected to the ONC observatory in the northeast Pacific detect signals from most major earthquakes, no matter where they originate on the planet.

The dashboard enables you to explore a selection of recent earthquakes based on time, epicentre location and magnitude.

For each earthquake you can see its distance from the ONC seismometers and inspect the seismometer signals indicating the arrival of the earthquake's ground-shaking seismic waves.

In this story
earthquakedata management
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