ONC at AGU 2023
Visit our booth, presentations, and posters.
December 11, 2023

Ocean Networks Canada is exhibiting at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco, California from 11-15 December 2023. Registered attendees are invited to visit ONC staff at booth #423 in the exhibit hall and attend ONC’s in-person or virtual presentations and sessions, and to view our posters.

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The following schedule outlines ONC-presented posters and sessions:

Monday, December 11

10:42 - 10:52 PST. 2010 - West (Level 2, West, Moscone Center)
NH12A-03 From Detection to Warning: Unveiling the Efficacy of the Earthquake Early Warning System in Southwestern British Columbia, Canada
Alireza Babaie Mahani and Eli Ferguson, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

16:30 - 16:40 PST. 203 - South (Level 2, South, Moscone Center)
ED14A-04 Bringing Ocean Research Expeditions Into Classrooms and Community Through Live, Virtual Engagements
Nick Hammar, Monika S. Pelz, Lauren Hudson, Maia Hoeberechts, Dwight Owens and Lucianne M Marshall, Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

Tuesday, December 12

08:30 - 12:50 PST. Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
SY21B-0805 Design and Implementation: A 3-Tiered Model for Engaging with Indigenous Communities in Academic Scholarship
Wylee Fitz-Gerald1, Shandin Pete2, Brett Gilley2, Laura Lukes2, Sarah Bean Sherman2 and Silvia Mazabel3, (1) Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, (2) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (3) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

09:43 - 09:53 PST. 3018 - West (Level 3, West, MC)
NH21D-08 Artists Respond to Wildfire and Storm Disasters
Dwight Owens, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, Neil Griffin, University of Victoria, Writing, Victoria, BC, Canada, Julia Jung, Cobra Collective, Berlin, Germany; Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM), Berlin, Germany, Yolanda C Lin, University of New Mexico Main Campus, Geography and Environmental Studies, Albuquerque, NM, United States, Alison Laurie Neilson, NOVA University of Lisbon, Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences, Lisboa, Portugal, Mika Tosca, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, United States and Kate Semmens, Nurture Nature Center, Easton, United States

15:30 - 15:40 PST. 2003 - West (Level 2, West, Moscone Center)
OS23A-08 Opportunities for long-term gas hydrate monitoring at Ocean Network Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory
Martin Scherwath, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, Michael Riedel, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, Yann Marcon, MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Research, University Bremen, Germany, Miriam Römer, MARUM - University of Bremen, Department of Geosciences, Bremen, Germany, Laurenz Thomsen, University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden, Autun Purser, Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz-Centrum for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, Damianos Chatzievangelou, Institut de Ciències del Mar, Renewable Marine Resources, Barcelona, Spain and Cherisse Du Preez, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Deep-Sea Ecology Program, Sidney, BC, Canada

Thursday, December 14

08:30 - 12:50 PST. Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center)
IN41C-0608 Navigating the Seas of Data Citation: Insights from Ocean Networks Canada’s Digital Infrastructure
Stephanie Golob and Reyna Jenkyns, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

08:30 - 12:50 PST. Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center)
GC41L-1260 Solid Carbon: Reaching gigaton-scale carbon dioxide removal by utilizing the deep ocean crust
Martin Scherwath1, Kate Moran1, David Goldberg2, Curran Crawford3, Adedapo Awolayo4, Benjamin M Tutolo5, Rachel M Lauer6, Eneanwan Ekpo Johnson7, Terre Satterfield8, Romany Webb9 and the Solid Carbon Team. (1) Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, (2) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, (3) University of Victoria, Mechanical Engineering, Victoria, Canada, (4) McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, (5) University of Calgary, Department of Earth, Energy, and Environment, Calgary, AB, Canada, (6) Rachel Lauer, Calgary, AB, Canada, (7) Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, Canada, (8) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (9) Columbia University, School of Law, New York, NY, United States

09:32 - 09:42 PST. 203 - South (Level 2, South, MC)
ED41A-07 Developing a Reflection Toolkit to Empower Current and Future Researchers in Responsible Action Towards Indigenous Reconciliation in Science
Wylee Fitz-Gerald1, Laura Lukes2, Sarah Bean Sherman2 and Shandin Pete2, (1) Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, (2) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

14:10 - 18:30 PST. Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center)
G43B-0494 Self-Calibrating Bottom Pressure Recorder Deployments on the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory: Initial Results
Martin Heesemann1, Angela Schlesinger2, Earl Davis3, Jean-Michel Leconte4, Jeb Dexter5, Jesse Hutchinson1, Qi Wang6 and Tianhaozhe Sun3, (1) University of Victoria, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, (2) Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, (3) Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, Sidney, BC, Canada, (4) RBR Ltd, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (5) Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, (6) RBR Ltd., Ottawa, Canada

14:10 - 18:30 PST. Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center)
G43B-0495 Updated results from the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory (NCSZO)
Jesse Hutchinson, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada and Martin Heesemann, University of Victoria, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

16:06 - 16:09 PST. eLightning Theater V, Hall D - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC)
SY34B-02 Esprit de Corpse: Further Co-Creative ArtScience Journeys
Dwight Owens, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada, Aleksandra Cherkasheva, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, Julia Jung, Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM), Berlin, Germany, Jayalaxshmi Mistry, Cobra Collective, Egham, United Kingdom, Diego Narvaez, Diegonarvaezh.Com, Sooke, BC, Canada, Alison Laurie Neilson, NOVA University of Lisbon, Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences, Lisboa, Portugal, Camille Paraain, University of La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France and Anna Milena Zivian, Ocean Conservancy Inc., Washington, United States

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#100, 2474 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8N 1V8 (250) 472-5400
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#106, 9865 West Saanich Road, North Saanich, BC, Canada, V8L 5Y8 (250) 472-5400

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