This anemone was observed living at 100 m depth in Saanich Inlet. The newly discovered species remains to be described (Synhalcurias n.sp.)
Saanich Inlet is home to 2 species that are new to science: an anemone (shown in the above photo) that lives at 100 m depth remains to be described (Synhalcurias n.sp.) while the white sea squirt (shown below) was described several years ago as Bathypera feminalba. The name means “White Lady” – reflecting the white colour and the location in Saanich Inlet where it was collected: White Lady Rocks.
The white sea squirts in this image were recently observed in Saanich Inlet. This species was first described several years ago as Bathypera feminalba. The name means “White Lady” – reflecting the white colour and the location in Saanich Inlet where it was collected: White Lady Rocks.