Expedition sails to Endeavour hot vents
May 16, 2014

With final preparations underway, Ocean Networks Canada is set to embark on a week-long voyage to NEPTUNE’s three deep sea sites: Endeavour, Cascadia Basin, and Clayoquot Slope. This second leg of the Wiring the Abyss 2014 summer expedition will run from May 16-24 with dives running 24/7.

According to Expedition Leader Adrian Round, the CCGS Tully plans to depart from the jetty in Pat Bay at 18:00 PDT Friday evening. He anticipates dive operations beginning the morning of Sunday 18 May, with the remotely operated underwater vehicle ROPOS touching down on the seafloor at Endeavour around 10:00PDT.

The Endeavour site of the NEPTUNE cabled ocean observatory offers a rare opportunity to see some of the most unusual deep sea communities on our planet.

Beginning May 18, we will be streaming live video through the Wiring the Abyss 2014 website.

The video highlights below are a sneak preview of what you may encounter during a live dive to Endeavour—if you tune in!

Endeavour Archive Videos from Ocean Networks Canada on Youtube.

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